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European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review

European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review - EHPL
As of Issue 1/2022 the »European Pharmaceutical Law Review« (EPLR) will be known as the »European Health and Pharma Law Review« (EHPL). Although we have focussed on the pharmaceutical sector over the last 5 years, we have been had the opportunity to publish cutting edge research from across the health law space. This has included contributions on medical devices, artificial intelligence, digital health and big data. Our new title more accurately reflects this content as well as the scope and purpose of the journal; namely to provide a forum for discussion on the latest legal developments in the health and pharmaceutical sectors.

The European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review (EHPL) identifies and analyses important legal and regulatory developments on the national, EU and international level. Furthermore, it provides an overview of and critically examines judgments that shape the interpretation and application of EU pharmaceutical law and policy, in particular those by the European Courts, international courts and tribunals such as the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body, and higher national courts.

In order to establish itself as a forum for dialogue between different stakeholders in pharmaceutical regulation and governance, EHPL invites contributions from academics, practitioners, regulators and civil society representatives.

Topics covered by EHPL include:

● pharmaceutical law and policy in all jurisdictions (regional, national, international);
● Commission decisions (EMA opinions) and regulatory guidelines;
● national, EU, and international jurisprudence;
● medical devices;
● borderline cases: pharmaceuticals/food/cosmetics/chemicals
● patents /trademarks;
● health technology assessment and pricing/reimbursement;
● digital health/big data;

All contributions will be subject to double blind peer-review before acceptance for publication and are required to conform to the author guidelines.


EHPL's Target Audience

The quarterly journal addresses everyone who is concerned with pharmaceutical law and policy issues such as academics (in the field of law, pharmacy and medicine, regulatory science, and other relevant research fields), legal practitioners in national and international law firms, regulators such government officials working in EU  and national public administration, judges and legal experts in domestic, European and international courts, consultancies, business people in the EU and beyond as well as stakeholder organisations representing professionals, patients, and civil society.

EHPL's Structure

Each issue of EHPL will be a balanced mixture of original research articles, first-hand country or thematic policy reports, timely case annotations on important ECJ/GC rulings and other international/national court judgments, book reviews as well as other information material and updates, including opinions, case summaries or event reports.


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